IV Research Symposium in Dry Forests of Colombia: Generation of knowledge for its integral management. The Symposium is the product of the unification of the initial proposal of the Tropical Dry Forest-Col Network and Alexander von Humboldt Institute with the proposed of the University of Tolima and UNAD.
The University of the Amazon, Florence (Caquetá), will receive national and international experts, between August 18 and 22, 2019, for the tenth version of the Colombian Botany Congress, whose themes will cover almost all the contents related to the Latin American botany.
The main objective of the symposium will be to create a space for dissemination and discussion of the research generated in recent years in dry forests of Colombia, from a region and country approach, aimed at comprehensive management of this ecosystem. Diversity, functional ecology, physiology, restoration, sustainable use, ecology, and conservation will be the central themes of the symposium that will take place on Tuesday, August 20, 2019, with two national and one international keynote lectures, added to 24 short presentations by experts from all dry forest regions of the country.
The IV Dry Forest Symposium of Colombia is an alliance of the Gaica Association, Foundations; Ecosistemas Secos de Colombia, Natura, and Orinoquia Biodiversa, the universities of Antioquia, Cauca, Distrital, Icesi, Nariño, Tolima and UNAD, and Alexander von Humboldt Institute.
More information about the X Colombian Botany Congress: